January 31, 2019
Ophir High Conviction Fund (ASX:Oph) – Investment Update and NAV Report

Global equity markets roared back to life in January, with smaller and mid-cap businesses leading the gains. While global concerns remain, this month we look at the opportunities that acute swings in investor sentiment can provide to investors.

The Ophir High Conviction Fund seeks to provide investors with a concentrated exposure to a high quality portfolio of listed companies listed outside the S&P/ASX 50. Employing an extensive investment process that combines a rigorous company visitation schedule and fundamental bottom-up analysis, the Fund aims to identify businesses operating within structural growth sectors with the ability to meaningfully grow and compound earnings over time. Typically, the majority of businesses within the portfolio will already have well-established business models with large or growing end markets and a clearly identifiable pipeline of future growth opportunities. As a concentrated portfolio, the Fund seeks to identify the very best of these opportunities in order to ensure each portfolio position delivers a meaningful impact on overall portfolio returns.

Download the full report here.


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